How to create a patch
- If you use a Subversion client (Subclipse, TortoiseSVN, etc.) and want to avoid having line endings with ^M you will need to update the Subversion config.
- This is located at: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Subversion\config
- Take the settings from this page:
and add them to the bottom of the config file.
- Different Subversion clients may have different ways of creating paths within the patch files.
- TortoiseSVN creates relative paths within the patch files, which makes them more portable.
- Subclipse, on the other hand, creates absolute paths within the patch files (C:\Documents and Settings\...) which need to be edited by hand with a text editor before they can be used on someone else's system. This is actually a problem of Eclipse's 'Create a Patch' routine as can be seen by googling 'subclipse patch absolute relative path', but it affects Subclipse.
- See
- svn diff DIRECTORY/FILE > patch.txt
How to submit a patch
Please upload patches to Bugzilla instead sending them via the mailing lists.
How to apply a patch
- Download patch exec for Windows
- start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> Edit Use Variable Path (...;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin
- start -> Run -> cmd -> patch --help
- patch -p0 < patch.txt
Your comments are much appreciated
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