Configuration of
XML documents typically refer to external entities, for example the public and/or system ID for the Document Type Definition. These external relationships are expressed using URIs, typically as URLs.
However, if they are absolute URLs, they only work when your network can reach them. Relying on remote resources makes XML processing susceptible to both planned and unplanned network downtime.
One way to avoid these problems is to use an entity resolver or a URI resolver. Yanel is currently using
, whereas see for example src/impl/java/org/wyona/yanel/impl/resources/
The catalog manager/resolver configuration is located at YANEL_HOME/conf/
or rather TOMCAT/webapps/yanel/WEB-INF/classes/
catalogs=catalog.xml relative-catalogs=false # verbosity: If non-zero, the Catalog classes will print informative and debugging messages (see TOMCAT/logs/catalina.out). # The higher the number, the more messages. #verbosity=100 verbosity=1
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