(Please add terms in alphabetical order)
- Cluster
- See deployment/deployment-enterprise.html
- LoadBalancer
- See deployment/deployment-enterprise.html and
- Realm
- A realm is a part of Yanel which has its own configuration and repository.
- Repository
- A place to store data (see also: Yarep).
- Resource
- A module to define behavior of response to a certain request.
- Resource Type Configuration (rc)
- Configuration of a resource under a certain url.
- Resource Type Configuration MAP(rc-map)
- Configuration of a resource under a url pattern.
- Toolbar
- See yanel-toolbar.html
- Workflow
- See src/realms/yanel-website/content/rtd/page.rc and src/realms/yanel-website/content/workflow/workflow-with-review.xml
- Directory which contains theh Yanel source, containing (amongst others) yanel.bat
- Yarep (Yet another repository)
- A repository abstraction layer (similar to JCR, but with a simpler API)
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